Sunday, May 16, 2010

The State of Things (spoiler alert: things are good!)

So it's a lazy Sunday and I'm feeling pretty good; my health concerns are looking to be much less serious than I had initially feared, my new class at Second City is excellent and the sun is in the sky. I think I hit bottom last week, with my toes touching the bottom of the pool, but I am back, baby! Right now my main concern is getting my financial situation straightened out, but creatively and emotionally I am feeling very, very good right now, and it's nice to see the light at the end of the tunnel again.

On Saturday, I had my first day of class (sadly I missed the first official day due to work at crappy FTD), and it was so great to see everyone in my group again. Level 3 of the Conservatory is all about styles, and we practiced two yesterday, Shakespeare and Office. The first is pretty much exactly what you think it would be, but the second one was also cool. The improvisers are sat in chairs spread across the room in imaginary cubicles, and we all take turns IMing each other as though we're all coworkers in the same office (reminded me of my time working at Hewitt!). You start to develop relationships like who's your office buddy, who's your rival/enemy, who's the boss, etc, and then after a few minutes of that, you remove the chairs and to a series of interrelated scenes as a montage based on the stuff you all created during the fake IMing.

Of the two, I prefered the Shakespeare, which makes sense because I love his plays, have recently been watching them via Netflix and reading up on them, plus 30+ years of D&D also helps. I got very strong feedback from the rest of my class and instructor, especially my portrayal of Prince Andy in the tragedy 'The Winter's Chill'. I often have trouble playing high status characters (i.e. fathers, bosses, captains, etc), but folks were very impressed with my regal awesomeness. We all had fun and our teacher Jack really loved the stuff we came up with, so it's looking like we might do one of those on stage this term, which would totally rock!

I'll post again soon!

Prince Andy (aka Bob K)

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